old flame II new love

I have a job!!!!

2004-06-14, 7:06 p.m.

Well I had a really good weekend, my bf suprised me by coming down to see. It was only two days but I really do miss him so ya it made a big difference. He kinda had bad timing so he didn't get too much out of the trip but we go to be in the same bed which was great. I get to see him next weekend 'cause I'm going to go up to see him. Not sure how yet since I don't own a car. I can take the greyhound to G.P. then he can come get me or I can take the bus to paddle prairie but it costs alot more and I have to leave at midnight. Not sure what I'm going to do about that but either way I have to buy the ticket tomorrow.

In other news I went to work for my sister today, help her out and all that I managed to get myself a job for july. It's in my field of work, it's only for the month, and weekends off. The director of the daycare my niece goes to is looking for someone to look after a special needs child so she can take her holidays. so ya yeah for me

anyways Ijust don't seem to have the patience for this today. I'm too scattered.

old flame II new love