old flame II new love

Flu, fleas and fired!!!!

2004-11-17, 10:33 a.m.

A lot has happened since Halloween but I will not get into that now. My entry is a pity party for me so if you want to read about happy things skip this one.
Let Me start out to say I have a new puppy (I now have 2) that was a stray and needed a mommy. We took him in on wednesday. He is really cute but he brought me a present with him. He had fleas! So Bailey got fleas and my inlaws dog got fleas (although they think its lice whatever still needs to be treated)The main reason I think is fleas is that according to my book they look like fleas and people can't get dog lice but people can get fleas. I have what looks like fleas. I'm suprised the dogs don't whine when they have fleas they hurt when they bite or whatever they are doing. I found a live on on me. So ya all week I have been disinfecting my dogs, laundry, furniture and ME! Lots of fun!
So if you haven't guessed it yet my in-laws came to visit this weekend, they got here Thursday night and left Sunday morning. They brought me a present too! The Stomach Flu! My sister inlaw was sick when they got there but we all thought it was car sickness since thats normal for her but by saturday my mother-in-law was sick too. I started geting sick sunday and had to call in sick Monday.
I have been working in the ECS (kindergarden)room as a Temperary Full-time TA. Well this week The ESC teacher is away for a conference so she has a sub so I could only take one day off. It turns out that the sub has no clue what she is doing. She had to ask me what outside recess supervision means. It means to supervise outside at recess! I told her it means to watch the kids outside and make sure no one kills themselves. It not like she's never been to school don't you remember a teacher standing outside as you play? She is only 19 and doesn't have much education (she is trying to get back into school to upgrade) She is really sweet but not cut out for this job but anyways Back to my crappy week. So I have the flu and fleas and 2 puppies that need contant attention.
I was then told my interview for this ECS TA job was to be on tuesday. The first time in my life I was confident about this I was qualifide, I had been working in the position aready and I had a letter of reference from the ECS teacher. The only thing I was worried about was that I was sick. (It's amazing how much more alive you look with makeup on) I started to feel nervous after the interview it just didn't feel right when I left. They said they will be making the decison that night so I will know the same day. They never called so I didn't get it. The really crapy thing is I still have to finish the week until the new peson starts. It is only Wednesday but this week has been really sucky! So after thurday I am jobless again although I think I can go back to subing which I don't want to do.

Oh and remember my problem with Grant MacEwan? I got my Certificate in the mail yesterday. The date on it was JUNE 30,2004 so that whole problem should not have happened! I had it the whole freaking time!!!!!

old flame II new love