old flame II new love

I'm getting a new computer! Best Valentine's Day gift eVAR!!!

2006-01-26, 11:41 p.m.

Today was a bit of a crazy day (in the stressful sort of way) First off I was very rudely waken up by not one alarm clock but 3 at 6am. (my husband said he had to get up early in the morning) Only for my husband to not get out of bed for another 45min. So not nice! I hate mornings! He at lest took me to Tim's for coffee and timbits. I went into work with him 'cause I had to print some stuff off for my meeting then rushed home so I could call my mom before she when to work. I talked to her for a bit 'cause I had to get my doctor's number. It wasn't until after I talked to her that I got to sit and drink my coffee. Keep in mine this is all before 8am.
After my coffee I got ready for my 10am meeting with the principals of the school.
I wasn't able to get an appointment with my dr. for monday 'cause the earlist time they had was 2 and I have to be back in whitecourt by 5. That really sucks I won't be able to get another day like that for at least a couple of weeks. I guess I might have to go to the crappy dr. here again.
But anyways on with my day....
I met with the principals to present my proposal for the program I am creating. They seemed impressed. They asked if I was ready to work with the students and if I need any supplies to get started. I will be starting with the students in the next couple of weeks as soon as the principals do their part. (talk to parents, figure out the best time for the group to meet etc.) I�m starting to get excited about this again! I was getting very frustrated at the lack of resources I was finding. Now I have to come up with a name for the program.
Later in the day I was a reader for one of the students doing his exam. (it�s exam week) And then I got to have a meeting with my boss. (janitor boss)
The meeting was about how he would like to change my shift and duties. He want me to work 12-5 and clean the caferteria, administration offices and tidy the hallways during classes. That would be a lot less work than I am doing now and the best part NO BOY�S BATHROOM. He already taked to the principal and he said he would try to schedule the program in the mornings so I can do both with out problem. My boss it trying to accomidate me �cause he doesn�t want me to quit like everyone else. It would be nice to have my evenings with my husband again.

So by this time I had to go to work. Work started out normal and was going well until I went to get the garbage out of the special need�s office. I droped my keys on the way out and the door shut on me. The problem with that is only 2 other people have a key to that room the spec. need�s teacher and the principal. Both had already gone for the day. I ended up calling my husband to get his keys �cause then at lest I would have a master to get into the other rooms. I wasn�t able to change the paper towel or toilet paper dispensers since I couldn�t get to my keys.

So ya I had a fairly busy day.

old flame II new love