old flame II new love

I hurt :(

2006-10-25, 4:50 p.m.

Hubby went hunting with the neighbour. I wish he was here with me. I know he deserves to go and have fun but I'm not feeling well. Not sure whats wrong with me. My right side just below my ribs hurts and I keep getting dizzy if I try to do too much (got dizzy vaccuming). Not sure if this is just cause I'm preggo or if something is wrong. I can still feel the baby but it is not as active as normal but then again I haven't had caffeine in a few hours (had some tea this morning) Oh never mind, kicking now, maybe baby was just sleeping. But anyways, I don't like the way I'm feeling so I don't want to be a lone. I'm sure nothing major is wrong but its enough for me to be concerned. Like I need a reason to worry....

old flame II new love