old flame II new love

what is this... how do you say .....morning?

2004-06-06, 9:43 a.m.

I wanted to watch Law & Order last night but some Ronald Ragan dateline thing was on instead. Law & order is something my bf really likes to watch and I watch with him so I wanted to watch it since I miss him. I went to bed instead and I was wide awake at 8am this morning. Everyone that knows me knows I don't do mornings and Ilove to sleep but I just couldn't sleep anymore. I turned on the T.V. only to find that the only "good" thing on is a biography on Judy Garland. No one is up yet and I don't know how to work my parents new coffee maker. I have the feeling today is going to be a long day. I wonder if my mom will go to church with me today or if she has to go to her church. I don't like her church even though it is close to our house. I like Sacred Heart much better because I can relate to what the priest says to us. It makes religion real not just rituals we do on sundays. Religion is faith and spirituality it is something you feel not something you do because you should. I feel the love of God at Sacred Heart but not at this other church. I'm not saying the other church is a bad place it just not for me. it doesn't meet my needs but it would be empty if it didn't meet other peoples needs and it seems pretty full on sundays. Any ways I'm going to go tackle the cofee maker again maybe if I'm lucky I'll win and make some desent coffee. yummy coffee..... Well I still don't have coffee and it is now 10:30. I drove my mom to her church just before 10 in my p.j.'s and then went to Mcdonalds for breakfest still in my p.j.s. Everyone else is still asleep but at least I'm full! Time for some wedding stuff then maybe a nap we'll see how this day goes.

old flame II new love