old flame II new love

cough, cough....

2005-02-10, 12:56 p.m.

Today is the first day in over a week I have been able to go on the internet. It was down all last week, then I missed two days of work and yesterday I went on a field trip.
So I missed work 'cause I have strep (spelling?) throat. I had no voice at all on monday but now I have drugs so things are better. I just go though long coughing spells during class.
We took all the jr. and high school students to a movie yesterday. You may be thinking that a movie is only 2 hours so why waste a whole day. Well, the closest movie theatre is in Manning and that is an hour and a half away. The movie was Canadian and filmed in the area so we the "native" people of the area get to see it first before it is opened to the general public. It's called Hank Willam's First Nation. I'm not going to say its bad but its not a blockbuster! It is very real almost too truthful to native life and well that makes me sad.
My fav. part is that they are visiting some town in the U.S. and well it looks strangly identical to Edmonton. The scenes are almost all places I have been.

old flame II new love