old flame II new love

pizza and flirting

2006-10-04, 2:45 p.m.

I'm staying in the city at my mom's for a few days and today my brother and I desided we wanted pizza for lunch. So we ordered it to be delivered since I was still in my p'j's, and my brother doesn't drive. Well the delivery guy was hitting on me. It totally made my day! He was just an average guy (a lot older then me) but he did reconize me since he used to live down the street from my mom's house. He looked so disapointed when I told him I was married. It's really made me feel good that another guy finds me attractive with my p.j's, messy hair and preggo belly.
(he could have just been really desperate for a date too but I want to stay positive and enjoy the thought) *smiles*

old flame II new love