old flame II new love

Blah, blah, blah

2006-11-24, 3:32 p.m.

I feel blah today. Don't feel like doing anything. My Hubby had the day off today which was nice but we didn't do anything. One of his students came over to ask some truck questions, then they went out hunting. Well he is sorta his student, hubby doesn't teach him but he goes to the school he teaches at. His parents know that they sorta hang out once in a while and well no one else knows so hopefully hubby dosesn't get into trouble. He (hubby) watchs what he says around him and they both "play by the rules". This town likes to talk so it makes me uncomfortable even though they are not doing anything wrong. But anyways, Hubby has to work tonight. He has a weekend job for this weekend only. Gonna make $200, for supervising people taking their GED tests.
Well enough of my sucky life, I'm gonna finish vaccumming my living room then see if anything is on TV.

old flame II new love