old flame II new love

new year same as the old year

2004-01-02, 7:01 p.m.

It's 2004 and everything is the same only i have less money then i did yesterday in fact I have minus money now. Debt sucks I had to borrow money for school fees because my paycheck is lost in the mail and my father who promised he would pay for my school didn't anwser my phone calls for the past 2 months. I had my mother call because he still will not say no to her even though they have been divorced for over 15 years. (I don't feel like trying to figure it out I was 4 now i'm 22 you figure it out) So ya he is sending me money soon but my fees were due today and my rent is due as soon as my landlord comes over, my visa is due and tenent insurence is due monday. Oh and I still need books. so um ya I'm not in the best of moods today. 2004 so far sucks. I lost a friend because she felt I was too low class for her. Well today I agree but on the other had friends cost money so its better I'm not out spending money with her. I'm just going to go home and curl up to a movie with my bf and eat lots of popcorn. Tomorrow wil be better I get to go shopping with my younger brother and spend my mothers money.

old flame II new love