old flame II new love

I Feel Yucky!

2004-02-11, 8:54 a.m.

I hate mornings! Not only do I dislike leaving my nice warm bed but I can't concentrate this early. I should be working on a project due tomorrow but I don't wanna. I want to sleep or at least do something nonproductive. I have class at 11am but I got here at 8:30. My project is sort of redondant. I have to present a study skills strategy to help students with a BOPPP strategy. Present a strategy with a strategy. stupid stupid stupid. Wow its 9 and the library just filled up almost on the dot. Strange....

Speaking of strange I have been feeling strange the last week or so. It's hard to discribe other than I'm uncomfortable. My noice is stuffy but I'm not sick, I'm tired even when I've been getting lots of sleep and I'm hungry all the time. This is the weirdist part I'm hot. I'm never hot, I'm always freezing even in summer.

My pants don't fit either but thats not something new. I gained weight but not enough to worry about. I'm 101pounds. I'm proud of that! I've been around 95 for the last 5 years and the doctor has been bugging me to gain weight. I gained weight in october but when I got sick in december I lost it again. Now its back! You probbly think I'm crazy but its not so great being really skiny either. They make fat people clothes. I have to shop in the children's section. You try to find childrens clothes that are business casual. Sorry but Barbie just doesn't cut it.

But anyways I still feel yucky (yes yucky is a technical term)My bf thinks I may be pregnant, I hope not. Not that I don't want kids because I do its just really really bad timing. I'm getting married in 6 months. I already bought my dress. Plus we plan on moving after the wedding and I want to be near my family when I have a baby. And of course the whole lack of money would become very problematic. Man, I'm very whiny today. Maybe its because I didn't get my morning coffee for the last three days.

Well I really should work on my project since I have lots of other work due tomorrow too. Shame on me. Slap on the wrist.

old flame II new love