old flame II new love

patty cake patty cake baker's man

2004-02-25, 8:46 a.m.

"Make it a point to do something everyday that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain."

>Mark Twain<

Yesterday I started my practicum for school. It was deffendly an eye opener. I spent the day in an all day kindergarden room. There was 33 students in the class. (6 were away) One teacher and 3 T.A.s (and me)To add to a normally busy day the school had a pancake breakfast. 5 year olds and surup do not make a good combination. Needless to say my day was very busy. I did get to participate in gym with them that was fun. We played follow the leader and duck, duck, goose. Everyone gets a turn including the adults. 36 people make a big circle.

This is the best part of the chaos they call kindergarden; this school is the largest ESL school in the city. Half the children have trouble talking and understanding each other. There was only 2 noticably white children maybe 3. They were mostly orental in this class and they all had the same haircut (boys and girls) Very confusing! So um ya....it was an interesting experience to say the least. Don't get me wrong I had fun they are all good kids.

Next week the school is going to put me in an olderclass 4-6 they are just going to rotate me for a couple of weeks so I get to experence as much as possible then they are going to stick me in one or two grade until my practicum is over.

until next time......

old flame II new love