old flame II new love

Rantings and muff muffs

2004-03-05, 8:20 a.m.

well I ended up staying for class but it was really boring. After we went over the homework we watched a movie on O.D.D. (oppositinal defient disorder)The prof. also went over what will be on the test next week.

I feel just as crappy as yesterday but today is not as long (I'm done at 2) My BF had a hissyfit yesterday night not sure why but he doesn't seem mad at me so maybe its just stress. We both were in bed by 9:30 and still didn't want to get up at 7:30 this morning. I guess thats life! I'm going to have a very boring weekend. Just homework and housework for me. Not having tuesdays to do homework anymore has made me behind, I have to catch up or I will be completly lost. I'm going to go job hunting in two weeks. We need the money and the crappy interpersonal class will be done. I'll have more time since I won't have 20hours of reading for that class anymore. I don't think that prof. understands we have 5 other classes besides her class and a practicum once a week. Most of the people in my course also have kids and jobs. They look so tired all the time I hope not having this class will help them. I don't see how they cope.

Well I need to finish my reflection before my 10:00 class and then find me a muffin.

old flame II new love