old flame II new love

my new life

2004-06-27, 10:07 p.m.

Well I'm back! Not sure if anyone even noticed but I was gone for a week. I drove in my sister's car. (that was nice!) I stayed with my brother's family for the weekend (my bf came too) then we got a ride up to paddle with another teacher. Needless to say Paddle Prairie sucks but we are moving there anyways. Our move in date is August 18th. That is scary since we get married on the 14th. There will be so much to do and so little time plus we are suppost to be visiting with people. On my little vaccay I had a lot of time to think since there was not much else to do and I have reached a sate of calm. Not really sure how to describe it other then I am fully okay with my life as it is going. I know that things with work out in the end. I am doing whats right for my bf and I. Moving to Paddle is a fresh start for us. We have little choice but to save money and have all debt paid off. We will both have jobs although I am still not sure what mine will be but worst comes to worst I can go back to school. There is a Northern Lights College campus in paddle. (they offer distance learning) I'll find things to do, although I have desided I need a hobby. Mike got a job there too so he will be moving in with us. The trailer we get is a good size, 3 bedrooms and ya things should be good. This is the adventure I was looking for (not really but it will do until next year) In a month and 2 weeks my life will be nothing like it is now. I will be married, live in a new community, in a new house, have a new vehicle and live no where near my family and friends. But I will have satelite t.v. and internet and of course my husband and mike. must get sleep lots to do tomorrow.

old flame II new love