old flame II new love

Two resturants but only one dinner.

2004-10-19, 4:26 p.m.

My birthday was on Sunday and I turned 23. I was in G.P. for the weekend so we went out for supper on Saturday to celebrate. We went to a place called Jakes but we had a bunch of problems there. We (My Husband, Mike and I)got there first and asked the waiting time. They said 30min so we put our name down for a table for 7. My brother and his family came 10min. later. we ended up waiting 50min and then they came and said to us that they still didn't have a large table but they could seat us at 2 different tables for about 20min then move us. When the table cleared up they then told us that the table was for someone else and said they thought we were okay with sitting at different tables. Why would I want a table for 7 if I did not want to sit with the other 6 people. We got at the resturant at 6pm we hat this talk with the supervisor at 7:30pm. My brother has two young kids. They needed to be fed and put to bed soon. I was pissed off by this time and I really didn't like that when my husband said that we are not pleased with all of this (he really was being really polite) she walked around him and started to only talk to me. She asked me what I thought. I said I didn't want my order anymore I just wasn't to leave. She accually asked why I wanted to go. I said and I quote. "I want to leave, I would rather go to MacDonald's because they probbly would give us better service there. They said they would take care of the bill. I walked out before everone else since My brother's family was sitted on the otherside of the room. When the hostess said good bye and said she hoped I had a good time I turned around and Said I did not have a good time I would like to thank them for wrecking my birthday dinner.
We all went to Joey's Only after (not my fav) I had a really good time there. We noticed that a group that came into Joey's after us was also at Jake's when we left. For dessert I had cheesecake and the waitress put a candle in it and everyone at my table sang Happy B-day.
My actual bday was boring! we drove home and my husband and mike went to the school to work. I watched t.v. and played with my puppy.
But anyways i don't really feel like writing I just wanted to say how my weekend was.

old flame II new love