old flame II new love

The ice age is very cool

2005-04-27, 2:17 a.m.

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Tessa who was very unhappy. She lived in a very small community in Alberta, in a house trailer. She did not have friends to hang out with, nor a fun place to go to do things. Her husband was so busy with his job that he only had time for her on weekends when they had chorses to do. Tessa did not like her job but she needed the money so that they could pay the bills. Tessa was lonely. She wanted to be able to go shoppong, have fun with friends and not to work at a crappy job.
One day she had an idea, she was going to get a puppy to be her friend and companion. She would not be so lonely if she had a dog to look after. She got her puppy and she was happy for a long time but then she realized that she missed having some one to talk to. Tessa talked to her dog all the time but dogs can not talk back so it was very one-sided. She really wanted to have someone to talk to but her husband still did not have time for her. She did not want to be a nag so she stayed quiet and continued to be lonely. THE END!

Yeah well I don't feel like writing a happy story.

old flame II new love