old flame II new love

Here Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!

2005-05-04, 5:42 p.m.

I bought bailey a cat toy on the weekend. You may think that is a little strange since Bailey is a dog not a cat. However if you have met him you would understand that really he is more of a cat that happens to bark. He has desided he is at war with the toy.
It is a little tunnel with a ball on a string attached to one end. He is very confused that the ball is in the air and does not go across the room when he hits it. He trys to sneak up on it and then pounce on it. It's really funny. He also feaks out when the toy rolls around so I have to hold on to it when he is playing.

So ya thats my fun little story for the week.

old flame II new love