old flame II new love

Why is it as soon as I feel happy and relaxed something horrable happens

2005-08-02, 8:47 p.m.

Hi I'm still around I've just been on vacation and stuff. I have my trips loged on my computer and I will start posting sometime this week (still really busy)
I have desided I am not going on vacation for a really long time. Really horrable things happen when I go on vacations. My Bailey got hit by a van when we where gone. They didn't tell me until I got home (friday) but he died the week before (the friday before). They couldn't even tell me he didn't suffer 'cause he did. He died on the way to the vet. My inlaws are never babysitting my children.
I should have taking him with me but I didn't want to take him to the states. He would have spent most of his time in his kennel so we figured it was better to leave him with the inlaws since we were suppost to meet them in B.C the same weekend he died. They didn't come cause my sister inlaw got really sick and had to go to the hospital. Life really sucks oh and I still don't have a place to live in whitecourt.

old flame II new love