old flame II new love

Now 24 but don't seem any older

2005-10-20, 10:00 p.m.

Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns.

I had a nice birthday. My husband invited some of the younger ladies from school to come over for supper. They got me a card and a little gift. It was very nice of them since I had only met them once before. They invited me to their Surviver night. I hate survivor but I do want to have friends so ya it was fun. I might even go again next thursday.
I still haven't found a job but I haven't really been looking either so ya.
One of my hamsters died. The stupid fat one(Jazz) killed the little one(Min).

I am bored yet lazy, just hanging out with my dog.....

old flame II new love