old flame II new love

little cindynella

2005-11-10, 10:50 p.m.

little update on little me...
I finally got a job and the job is so un-me. I now a janitor! I hate cleaning but now I'm doing for a living. Go figure. It pays good, $14/hour plus benefits. Right now I'm full time until they can find a someone else then I will be part time. Part time is 5-10 mon-fri so weekends free and I will be able to sub as a TA during the day. Another bonus is if I have plans for friday I can skip work that day and come in on the weekend. They are not too picky as long as the work is done.
I can't wait until I go part time 'cause I hurt. The vaccum is a backpack kind so my back gets sore and I have blisters on my hands and feet. I am such a big baby! I like the boss and the other lady I work with. I think I'm gonna buy a ipod shuffle so its not so lonely. I work mostly by myself. So ya thats my life up to date.

Oh and I'm gonna hang out with my momma this weekend for no other reason then I can.

old flame II new love