old flame II new love


2005-12-05, 11:55 p.m.

We had another bible camp weekend and I am again left full of new insight. We talked about Mary this time. Here is some of the things i got out of it. these are not my words but Fr.D's summed up by me.

Mary's viriginity had more then one meaning.

Virginity of Mary = primarily a Christological statement

The "Viriginity of Mary is not in any way ment to say that "being physically "a virgin" or living a "celibate" vocation is greater than being married and having sexual intercourse. It is not a statement about sexuality in general, it is to make clear that Jesus had no earthly father.

The virginity of Mary is not primarly about sexuality but about the "origin" of Jesus, about the first responsibility of his existence and of his history.

The virginity of Mary is therefore saying that her child is primarily from God, not from her, although also from her at the human level.

The christological reference of "viginity of Mary" means we should recognize that there is a parenthood greater then human parents. Human parents must be joyfully aware that the primary responsiblity of all creation and especially of their children is God.

Parents like Mary are called to open up to their virginal motherhood& fatherhood meaning they must have trust/faith in God to guide their children in their vocation.

Think of virginity as a faithfulness to God and virginity of human relationship for all believers.

Virginity, at that level of relationship, can have a variety of meaning:
"I am a virgin" could mean:
*I haven't yet met the spouse whom I want to marry. I will wait till I meet the spouse I want to live with for the rest of my life;
*I do not sleep with anyone, except the one who is my spouse. I am 'faithful' to the one I married.
*I have chosen the celibate lifestyle. I will not marry.

So being "virgin" in a relationship can mean that one is FAITHFUL to one's relationship.

This faithfulness in relationships will have different meanings, depending on the type of relationship
*To be faithful among friends is different than to be faithful to a spouse.
*To be faithful, to be virginal, in a relationship with a spouse is not necessarily not to have another relationship, but to act in such a way that this first friendship will not be destroyed.
*To have friends outside of marriage is not losing one's faithfulness, one's virginity. This friendship is not meant to negate the mariage relationship. To flirt, does.
*To have sexual relationship with one outside of marriage with one to whom one is not married to (not committed to) is losing one's virginity.

Mary was a Virgin in all her relationships, especially with God, being the most faithful person in all her relationships.

So in this case virginity means both the physical and the mental. And with that I am going to bed.

old flame II new love