old flame II new love

Building a Christmas Tree and drinking Egg Nog

2005-12-11, 7:45 p.m.

I learned how to cut up a deer and how to wrap the meat. I did all the wraping but I didn't want to cut it up.
We got lots of roasts and steaks. It was shot in the front so most of the "hamburger" meat was no good. Not that I'm complaining we got all the good quality meat (thats all the back end)
That mostly took up most of saturday. We had Veitmenise for supper and watched movies alnight. Now I am avoiding cleaning my kitchen. I've been avoiding for a while now. I just don't feel like cleaning my house when I clean the school all evening.
Teak and Abby seem to be getting along better. No more hissing and they can both be near each other. The kitty teases Teak until he starts barking then she runs away. He just wants to play but she doesn't.
Well, I should go see where my Abby is hiding I haven't seen her in a couple of hours.

old flame II new love