old flame II new love

Merry Christmas for Christ's sake!!

2005-12-24, 1:37 a.m.

Am I a horrable person to think that this politically correct "Happy Holidays!" is bull shit?
I am a christian and I celibrate the birth of Christ hence I celibrate on Christmas day. I want to say Merry Christmas because it is the holiday I celibrate. I am not trying to be rude to people of other religions but in my defence it not like they are on the same days.
Well Hanukkah starts the the 25 this year but it is more then one day its 8 days. Its a festival and well its very different from Christmas. I would like to know more about it then I do but I don't know any Jewish people and books don't really give you the whole picture.
I don't know when Kwansa is this year my calendar doesn't say. But thats not my point my point is we (all of us) should be allowed to celibrate our celibration without fear of offending anyone but shuting out christian beliefs is not right either. If you want to make things better why not say "Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwansa" (sorry if i'm spelling it wrong) But I don't think taking Jesus out of the picture is the answer.
If anything take Santa out what does he have to do with Christ's birthday. He is just there to give gifts well why not on Jan 23 why on Dec 25 on christmas day. If you want to make things politically correct why not have him come on a day that is not a religious day so Christians are not hogging him.
I want to have a Merry Christmas not a Happy Holiday even if you don't want me to. (Holiday implies I have more then a couple of days off work)

old flame II new love