old flame II new love

Cats that say thank you and crows that sound like pigs

2006-01-17, 3:46 p.m.

I went to bible camp this weekend so when i have time I will write my new insights and stuff. I haven't been feeling good the last couple of days (since thursday). It started out with me having heart palpitations and my chest around my heart really hurt. that happens every once in a while so i didn't pay too much attention to it at first but when it was still going on an hour later I had my husband drive me to the hospital. I was at work thats one of the reasons I ignored it for so long. They did a ECG and stuff but the doc. wasn't very helpful. She said she could hear a slight murmor but she thinks I might be getting the flu. She also said I have a slight fever as well and if i'm still concerned about the murmor I should come see her at the clinic in 2 weeks. Well I'm not showing any flu like symptoms. I just feel drained and tired. It's hard to breath at times but I'm not stuffy. My feel fuzzy and icky like my brain went on vacation. So that was my whining for my little pity party.
On to other things in life. My kitty says "thank you" when i let her out of her kennel in the morning. (she doesn't let us sleep if we don't put her in) She doesn't really say it but she meows twice like she is. It's really cute.
I also want to share a strange like story/experience I had. The other day when I was walking out of Walmart I heard the sound of pigs snorting. I thought that was weird so I looked around and all I saw was some other confused people, some cars and a crow pecking at the ground. While I was looking around someone else came out of the store and it happened again the sound of pigs. The sound was coming from the crow. It was so strange! Crows can learn to talk so it makes sense that they can learn to imitate other animals as well. Strange strange strange

old flame II new love