old flame II new love

Enhance, Embrace and Enlighten

2006-04-13, 7:01 p.m.

I had my first slurpee of the season. There is some thing special about having a nice cold slurpee on a hot spring day. I got "dust off" my fav. hippie skirt since it is finally warm enough to wear it. (not quite sandle weather though.)It was such a good day. We slept in then just hung out doing nothing all morning. We then went out for a drive (getting slurpees first of course) We just drove around exploring the back roads around whitecourt. Stopping every once and a while to let Teak explore as well. He was almost gitty every time I was let out. Never seen him so excited to go for a walk before. I think he likes spring. So ya I'm now doing laundry so i have clean clothes for the weekend (going to Edmonton) and watching CSI. Yeah for thursdays of work

old flame II new love