old flame II new love

Arouse Your Senses?

2006-04-24, 3:42 p.m.

I had a pleasure party on saturday. It was an EnTice Your Life party. it was a lot of fun. We (my Sister-In-Law and me) only had a few people come but ya we laughed so much. This was the 6th party i've been to but i learn new stuff every time. It's not all "dirty" stuff there is spa stuff, informational books, stuff to just better enhance a couples relationship,lingerie and of course toys.
None of my S.I.L.'s friends showed up she was so mad. I can not beleive how rude they could be. not 'cause they didn't come 'cause a lot of people i invited didn't come too but 'cause they phoned right before the party and said they were on their way.
Another one of her friends came later near the end of the party but that was the plan 'cause she is only 16 so she was planing to come after (suppost to be 18) but last minute her mom desided to drive her over not knowing that she was leaving when she did so by the time she got there by bus the party would be over.
But anyways we had a lot of fun! My night didn't get icky until after the party but I will get into that another time 'cause my Teak needs to go out...

old flame II new love