old flame II new love

burnt to a crisp

2004-04-01, 8:34 p.m.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

-William Shakespeare

My day went okay considering I had some issues. I got up at a normalis time (9:30) then did some yard work raked etc. After I decided I was going to eat oatmeal for breakfast. Seemed like a good idea healthy and all. When I went to pour the boiling water into my bowl my hand slipped and I poured the water all over my left hand. Needless to say I was not empressed! It still hurts! The more badly burnt part is between my thumb and pointed finger where it is already sensitive. The worst part is that I am left handed it was so hard to do my test today. I walked around with a cold compress on my hand most of the day. It really sucked. The strange thing is that I was still in a fairly good mood still. Funny how life works. so um ya... thats my story for the day........

old flame II new love