old flame II new love

spring ahead! And loss sleep

2004-04-04, 4:22 p.m.


I forgot about the time change silly me.

I went to the Cinderella ballet last night. It was wonderfull had some issues with my niece but this summer I'll take her out with me so she is taught how to behave properly for her age. My sister thinks she is a perfect angle and that it is normal behaviour. It is normal behaviour if she was 3 years old or had a behaviour disorder but is not. She is 6 years old and has no reason to behave that way other then her mother lets her do and say whatever she wants. She was talking, making kissy sounds, farting then laughing, kicking the wall, standing on the chair, twice she took off running away from us in a crowd and that was only some of the things she did. I know she can do better she just needs some practice.

On friday we went to see Knee Deep I was suppost to call a friend but I didn't have time. Busy busy. We picked out and bought my bf's wedding band, then went for dinner, watched a movie with his mom and looked for things to put on a registery. the show was good, short but good. The 4/20 hall party is on the 17th so we are going to that. We asked knee deep if they would play at our wedding and they thought that would be really kewl.

But I gotta go......

old flame II new love