old flame II new love

Do you think I'm a SpEd?

2004-04-07, 9:22 a.m.

9:22Am and I am still not done my assignment. I have 2 pages and I need 8 pages. Not good! My class is at 11am. don't think I'm going to finish on time. The mouse on this computer sucks! It doesn't move and when it does it moves too much then stays there. GRRRRR!

Very frustrating! I'm hungry! I didn't get breakfast but if I leave to get food I'll loose my crappy computer. The library is packed not really sure why but whatever.

I've been reading about AD/HD and it seems like it is decribing me. What the hell? Am I a spEd? I don't wanna be a SpEd! Stupid books that think they know everything and make me self consious. Oh look overthere....I wanna go back to sleep...Maybe I'm crazy and not attention deficit...who knows.....yum cookie....

I'm going back to my work now. Maybe I will write something interesting tomorrow.....we'll see....

old flame II new love