old flame II new love

life is sucky

2004-05-26, 7:17 p.m.

So we are still trying to move out which is not easy since I have no car.

My bf got a teaching job in Paddle Prairie for the next 5 weeks. He started today. I have to finish moving out on my own. Our roommate is still there but he is just in my way and not helping. My stress level is pretty high at the moment. I need some help!

We got most of the big stuff out on the weekend before my bf left but there is still lots to do and i am soooo tired after school/work.

Only two more weeks then I get to look for a job lucky me! I already miss my bf and he has only been gone two days. He is coming back for the weekend and then on the 8th for his grad. If I can find somone to go to north country fair with me I'll see him then too then when he gets back at the end of the month.

well I'm bored with this so I'm going to go.....

old flame II new love