old flame II new love

Eight more sleeps! Yeah!

2004-08-06, 7:53 a.m.

I've been up since 5:30 this morning and I'm not sure why. I don't do mornings unless I have to and today I have no need to be up for at lest another hour or so (9-10)I was trying to be productive but I don't seem to do that well without coffee and I can't seem to make the coffee maker work. My parents are at work where they get coffee for free and no one else is up yet so no coffee for me.

But on a happier note tonight is my bridal shower and it has a sleepover theme, meaning I have a legitimate reason to wear p.j.s. It should be fun!

My bf stag thing is tonightish too. He is sort of having a stag weekend. Why not? He is going to the sidetrack tonight to see Knee deep in grass play and then tomorrow he is going out to the "farm" (cabin in the middle of a bunch of trees)

Have I mentioned that Knee deep is playing for my wedding? They are so kewl! Well anyways I should go wake people up.

old flame II new love